Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Reservation – Progress or Retrogression?

In this article I’m going to tell you that how this reservation system has divided our Indian society and has caused conflicts and injustice to the majority of the people.

First of all I want to tell you that reservation is very unfortunate system in India because our societies are divided into caste system. The division of society according to the caste system must be abolished from the country. Caste system is the ugly and bitter truth of India.

I will try my best to make you understand that this system of reservation is an evil for our society and must be thrown out of our Indian Society.
Indian Caste Based Reservation System

Reservation is the main evil which divides the society from youth age. That is the cut-off marks for admissions in good colleges and institutions are high for the general category students but is quite low for the SC’s, ST’s and OBS’s. When we got independence, the scenario was different from that of now. That time the reservation system was necessary for the people for uplifting of the low caste people. But as of now all the people are equal in the eyes of the law and are not treated as different people or the untouchables. Government has also abolished untouchability and passed several laws against it and if someone violates the law he/she must be punished.

By this system government is biased towards the youth of the country. For Example: A general category student gets 80% in the examinations and does not get the admission but a student of SC, ST or OBC gets 60% in the Examinations and gets the admissions in the same college or the institution. This is a clear differentiation among the students.

As I told you above that Government has passed several laws against untouchability and many more so there is no need to give special privileges to only some sections of the society.
Indian Caste Based Reservation System

Reservation is clearly misused by students and the political leaders. Students who are really capable are not given the chance and students which are not suitable or capable of that are given the chance. Similarly the SC, ST or OBC leaders who are not capable of that post are given the ticket from the reserved constituencies.

I believe that the admissions should be given on the basis of the capability, caliber and performance not on the basis of caste or category. Democracy is to be established to keep injustice in control.

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