Sunday, 10 February 2019

Can We Really Reduce, Reuse, Recycle ?

Reducing and Reusing Basics

When we think about our carbon footprint that we create on planet earth, do we realize how big that footprint is? We have all the control over whether we leave a huge imprint on the planet or a small toe print. We must reduce overall what we are using if we are going to have a place for our children to play safely in the future. Every time we throw away a plastic bottle for no reason or an aluminium can, we are causing more damage than is necessary when we could reuse most of our raw materials. We are simply adding to landfills that are already overcrowded and in need of dire help.

Prevention, Reutilization & Recycling

Logically, of course in terms of effectiveness, the best way to get rid of waste products is to not create garbage to begin with. This may seem futile to say we cannot go without creating any waste but we can certainly reduce our waste and reuse and recycle it.

Whenever an entrepreneur makes something new, it costs many valuable resources to create this merchandise. It doesn’t matter if it’s a computer, a cell phone, a bedspread, a pillow or clothing.  The energy that is necessary as well as the raw materials that are needed to create the merchandise are taken directly from our planet. Is not disrupted by mining and taking materials from the land by various means.

Afterwards it must be created and then taken to where it will be sold. This creates a lot of waste along the way. In order to effectively run a company your best bet is to reduce resources and reuse whatever you can. This is the best way that a company can protect the environment and make the most profit it is much cheaper to reuse something then to extract it from the earth when it is already created. This helps to save our natural resources and company funds. It also significantly helps our environment as it Is much easier to use a product that is already created and change it for your needs then take it from the earth again. Recycling just makes sense on a practical level

There are many huge benefits and reusing resources and recycling. We get rid of pollution when we are harvesting raw materials, we also save a good amount of energy and greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are thought to cause climate change which causes our oceans to rise significantly and affects Antarctica and are their continents and the cities that are near the water with the rising tides and rising heat. We have to start thinking about the future children of the world and their generations and make sure they can sustain themselves before we destroy the planet. If we can we should do use every product that we can to the fullest possible usage that it can gain.

There are practices in place to make recycling easier but some people still want to just toss things in the garbage. It is as simple as separating your recyclable materials from your garbage materials. Some materials are even paid for if you save them so it is worthwhile. Getting into the habit of practicing good recycling makes our planet a better place to live.