Thursday, 30 August 2018

Is It Too Late to Do Anything about Global Warming?

Today I’m writing this post to bring you in notice that the scorching and killing heat is killing us and causing the uneasiness in the body. In India the summer season starts from April month and lasts till end of the July month. It causes a lot of problems such as uneasiness in the body, sunstroke and many other heat related problems.
Global Warming Heating the World.

There are many problems for global warming and we the humans are the main exploiters of our mother Earth. The vehicles we use the industries we run are the main causes of pollution which causes the rise in global temperature and causes global warming.

This rise in temperature melts the snow from the North Poles and the South Poles. As a result the marine territories get submerged in the water day by day and also causes floods. The main reason for it is ozone layer depletion which is caused by harmful gases such as CFC’s, Carbon Monoxide and many more. These all gases are released from the AC’s and the Refrigerators we use.

Diseases caused by global warming are:-
  1. ·         Bird flu
  2. ·         Cholera
  3. ·         Ebola
  4. ·         Plague
  5. ·         Tuberculosis
Global Warming Heating the World.

These are only a few of them but they are deadly diseases. We all have to come together and take steps towards global warming. The best way to prevent global warming is to grow more and more ‘TREES’.