Thursday, 30 August 2018

Abducted and Exploited- Human trafficking

Bride trafficking in Haryana is a major problem faced by the women in north states of India. The women are bought and sold for a very small sum of money. They are bought and sold for slavery purpose and are also trafficked across the borders. They are forced to marry the groom which is not of their choice. Haryana is one of the richest states in India and has highest per-capita income in year 2014-2015.
Abducted and Exploited- Human trafficking 

Due to the shortage of women in Haryana, the men in higher caste groups of Haryana are able to marry local women while those in lower caste groups, the unemployed, poor or those who have disabilities seek cross-region brides from the neighbouring poorer regions. They have a radical and superstitious beliefs so there is no scope for morality. They too have rigid customs such as pallu and other socially illegal practices. Also the men at night beat their wives for a minor mistakes as they all are mostly drunk. They do not know their limits and cross it.

Mostly the illiterate sections of the societies are prone to this situation. They do not know what is better for them. In states such as Haryana the issues of female foeticide and female infanticide, the government of India has passed the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act 1994 which prohibits sex determination via prenatal screening. However, even if all discriminatory practice ceased, it is estimated that it will take at least 50 years for the population (in India) to reach its natural sex ratio.

Abducted and Exploited- Human trafficking 

Government has launched several laws, bills and missions to prevent these social evil, some of them are:-
1.   Apni Beti Apna Dhan ("Our Daughters, Our Wealth")

2.   Trafficking of Persons (Prevention, Protection and Rehabilitation) Bill 2016

We all have to raise voice against this and urge the people to stop these social practices.