Sunday, 14 October 2018

Is Racism Still With Us?

Racism nowadays has captured the public's eye in India. Most of the Human Rights Activists have raised voice against this. Many of the media channels are too supporting the cause.

But there is a trend in India- "Equality = Minority Appeasement". Though the darks are not a minority but still the pseudo-liberals to impress others have come forward not to raise voice against discrimination but this time they have targeted "Fairness Cream Ads". They call fairness creams and celebrities endorsing them 'RACIST'.

According to me fighting against racism doesn't mean to make such silly campaigns.
Why don't they target the posh clubs and hotels who do not allow servants or maids? There are a lot more incidents in which people from north-east India were victims of discrimination being different. I think this should be their priority to highlight not such a foolish campaign.

Looking beautiful and bright is not a sin. The ones who want to use the product will use, but that does not mean you brand them racist.

Is Racism Still With Us?

We all are different in some or the other way. Our skin is different, our color is different, our hair is different so instead of pretending that we all are the same and secretly feeling that we are different why can't we just acknowledge our differences and live together. This will help us to be on the same page.
I feel that when we continuously point out the different people and sympathize them they feel more isolated than the radical discrimination they're facing.
All these people need is equality, not special attention or commiseration.
In conclusion, we need to find a solution not an opportunity to impress others in the name of empowerment.